3D level 2 v1 Feedback

 3D Level 2 v1 Feedback

1 December, 2022

In today's class we did our playtesting for the first version of our second 3D level in CAGD 270. This was definitely a fun one to playtest due to it being our third time working with these materials and we were tasked with making it a harder level as well as it being a medieval theme all throughout the level.

This is an image of my whole map from a bird's eye view:

With that being said there were some things that went right with my level today. The first one being that people liked how challenging my parkour and tightrope sections were because they felt like it provided the right amount of challenge that the requirements were asking for. Another thing that went right was my UI elements. The last couple times that we worked with this formatting and material layout, I forgot to put in any UI elements so I was nervous that it wasn’t going to work this time. However, I was able to make it work and figure it out so that the players feel immersed into the game. One last thing that I feel went right in my game would have to be my storyline and design. Players and playtesters said that my level had a nice storyline to it and they felt like the elements that I added like my drawbridge really made them feel like they were in a somewhat medieval place and that made me feel like I accomplished something.

This image is of the tightrope area (the area that everyone liked) of my level:

On the other hand there were a couple things that went wrong. The first one being that my enemies were not moving. This also happened in some areas in my last level that I made and I thought that I knew how to fix it for this level, however, it seems like the Nav Mesh does not like me very much and I will have to do some more trial and errors for the next version. Another thing that went wrong with my level was that the players could walk through a couple platforms in one of the areas in my level. I just don’t think that I set it to the Environment tab and that is all I need to do in order to fix it. Other than that my level was just a little too short but it got really close to the required time (10-20 minutes).

This is an image of the “beloved Chomp Boi” who you are trying to save:

With everything above being said, there are a couple of things that I would like to improve for the next version of my level. The first one would be that I want to add another couple of rooms to my level so that I add more time to my level so that it meets the requirements for the assignment. Another thing that I would like to change is making my Nav Mesh work for my level. I mentioned this problem above and I think that it would be very helpful if I fixed this problem so that the players are not just swinging at motionless creatures for the entirety of the level. The last thing I would like to fix is the two platforms in one of my rooms that do not work. Like I mentioned above, this should be an easy fix but it is a little annoying that it did not work in the first place.

This image is of the spawn area in my level:

In the end, I feel like my critical path for my level was obvious because there is only one way for the players to go throughout this whole level and they must find the switch in each room in order to move onto the next section of the level. With that said, I do think that the overall flow of my level was good. I really make the players take their time and question the choices that they are about to make while playing my level and I think that this adds a lot of crucial elements to the level. I also look forward to our next and final playtest where I will be able to see everyone's improvements on their levels.


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