3D Game Level 1 v2 Feedback

 14 November, 2022


In today's class we did another playtest of everyone's 3D designed levels. These levels were the second and more improved versions of our first 3D level. I playtested a lot of people’s levels and saw some pretty amazing projects. Also, I had a good amount of people playtest my level and I received a lot of amazing feedback on what to improve on and what I did great at as well.

The image below is of my whole level:

Going off of what I mentioned above, there were many things that went right with my playtest today. The first thing that went right was the fact that the enemies were moving without any flaw today. I was super worried that I wasn’t able to fix their movement problem from last time, but I was able to figure it out right in time for the playtest. Another thing that went right was I fixed my issues with the acid as well. My acid was not killing the players in certain areas, so I managed to fix the hit box of the acid and made it a little wider so that it could kill the players when they fall into it. The last major thing that went right with this playtest was my new room. I decided that my level was just a little short, so I added a new room to it to make the player move around a little bit and search for more keys/switches. In the end, it ended up working cause it added another minute or so to the level which was much needed because I felt like my level could be a little fast at times.

The image below is of my new room:

With all that being said, there were still some things that went wrong with today's playtest. The first thing that went wrong was there was one jump during a parkour part of my level that I tried to not make possible because it would then be a shortcut, however, players figured out that they could use this shortcut to dodge the dangerous parkour. Although, some players did not see this, which means that it is still a little hidden and can still be used as a bit of a reward system for the player that decides to be curious and take the leap. Another thing that went wrong was my maze in my new room was a little too easy. I made it to be a somewhat straight path to get to the end of the maze and some players figured that out very fast, making the maze now useless to the level design. Other than that there were not that many complaints, everyone seemed to like my level and only said that I had a couple rooms with not a lot going on. However, they still said that they enjoyed my level overall and that is the most important thing.

The image below is of the parkour jump that I was talking about:

The only thing that I would change for next time would be adding some more elements to some of my rooms because that was the only critique that I got from the playtesters, all the other critiques that I have mentioned other than that one was from my personal view on my level. However, some playtesters did also hint on those topics, but they didn’t really mind those gameplay mechanics

The Image below is of one of the enemies in my level:

With all that being said, I do think that I added the right amount of challenge for the player. This is supposed to be a beginner level and I feel like I added some challenge with the parkour as well as a nice relaxed element to the fighting portion of my level as there were not too many enemies. I also think that I made the critical path obvious for where the players are supposed to go. There is only one part where the player gets to choose their own path, but even after that part the two paths merge back together to keep the player on the same path. Other than that the critical elements in my level helped provide a smooth transition and overall a nice relaxing flow to my level that I am very proud of. In the end, my level might not be perfect, but that is why we playtest and I am truly looking forward to making more levels in the future and seeing more people enjoy them while playtesting.
