MegaMan Level 1 v2 feedback
In today's class we tested out our second versions of our first Mega Man level. There were a couple of things that went right and a couple things that went wrong with today's playtesting.
Some things that went right would be how people enjoyed the 2 secret rooms that I added onto the level. I decided that there was not enough health on the map so I added a couple of secret rooms that had some spare health in them. The people I saw playing my level said that they enjoyed this new feature. Another thing that went right was my ending of the level. In the first version, the end of my level was really boring and there was not a lot going on. So, I added a couple of enemies at the end to spice it up. With that being said, I got a lot of positive feedback on this part of the level and that made me happy.
This is an image of the end of my level:
On the other side of things we have what went wrong. There were not that many things that went wrong but I was informed of a frame glitch that happened in my level. I personally think it was because the game was in full screen, but it did make the gameplay a little choppy but other than that, the level was still playable and it was only happening in a couple specific areas. The other thing that went wrong was that you have to wiggle out of certain places. I had a couple secret rooms that had ladders leading into quicksand and it caused players to get stuck unless they spammed the arrow keys and “wiggled out” of the spot. Everything was still one hundred percent doable, but it was just a piece of feedback that I got from the playtesters. The last thing that went wrong would be that my level time is flexible meaning that it can take someone 10 minutes to do my level or it can take them 2 minutes to do my level. It all depends on the path that they chose or if they feel like just speedrunning the whole thing.
This is an image of the quicksand and ladder path:
Something that I would do to improve my level for next time would be to possibly fix the quicksand and ladder issue, but that isn’t much of a problem because I can just make the whole path a ladder. Other than that there is not much I would change because I was getting some pretty good feedback all the way through the playtesting today. The last thing that I would improve would be to just make my level a little longer. Like I said before the level can either be super long or super short depending on the path, so I think I would just lengthen some parts of the level to make it last longer. I would also say that the critical path was obvious, because you are forced to go down either of two paths and they end up meeting up with each other in the end, so it really does not matter what path the player takes.
This is an image of one of my secret rooms:
With everything being said above, I feel like there was a nice overall flow to my level, there are never any super hard areas of gameplay. However, there are no real breaks in between enemies in this level. I feel like the circulation element and the flow had a real effect on the players and I am happy about that. In the end, I feel like people really enjoyed my level and I think that I made a huge improvement from my last version of my level and I look forward to creating more levels like this in the future.
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